Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This is My Guy

Mike Huckabee from the "Rediscovering God In America" conference in Florida (via Christian Post):

“We are taught that we are the salt of the earth. That means that when something is spoiling, we are to be there to keep it from spoiling,” Huckabee explained. “We miss that if we think the purpose of believers is to be really, really well behaved in church.

“Being well behaved in church is a fine thing, but we don’t change the world by being behaved in church,” he pointed out to a receptive audience. “We change the world when we are the salt and that means we sometimes will irritate and sometimes agitate, but we will preserve.”


“I do not believe, reading in Galatians, that timidity is a spiritual gift,” he said.

“If our culture is decaying and if it is dark, it will not be saved just by electing people to offices,” the Republican presidential hopeful said. “It will ultimately be preserved and saved by salt acting like salt and light acting like light.”

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

And in this corner...

As if the mission field needed to be more difficult to reach...

The Barna Group always seems to have the most intriguing studies; one of the things that really pop out to me is: "There were also some widely held favorable perceptions toward Christianity including beliefs that Christianity teaches the same basic ideas as other religions (82 percent), has good values and principles (76 percent), is friendly (71 percent), and is a faith they respect (55 percent)."

REALLY? Where do people get this perception anyway? Is it ineptness that we can't even show how singular and unique Christianity is or is it lack of interest of the masses to even bother? Either way, it does seem to be an opportunity in evangelism to showcase how Jesus kicks Buddha's fat ass Celebrity Deathmatch style.